So what's this spinning wheel thing ?

And where did the h in wheel go ?

Well, long story short, I set a challenge for myself: push one commit every day for 100 days. On day one, I went all out and pushed an entire project, That's what you're looking at right now.

If you don't know me, I'm a huge fan of Mark Manson . To me, he's more than just an author; he's a modern-day philosopher. His newsletter is pure gold, especially a section he calls "X THINGS TO ASK YOURSELF". These questions really made me think and reflect on alot of subjects.

So I thought to myself, why not gather all of these questions, toss them into a spinning wheel, and spin it every day for a new question.

Use these questions for journaling, first dates, or just let your mind wander during a walk. And that's what Weel is all about.

Got feedback or want to chat? Hit me up @younesaeo . Also, check out Mark's newsletter —it's awesome.

Oh, and for the h in wheel, I'm just too broke to buy so I got some inspiration from Deel.